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Buddhist beliefs

Buddhist beliefs

Central to the Buddha’s teachings is the aim of overcoming suffering. Buddhists believe that there are guiding principles that help them achieve enlightenment.

The Noble Eightfold Path

The Noble Eightfold Path (also called the Middle Way, or the Threefold Way) is the fourth part (magga) of the Four Noble Truths. It gives Buddhists a path they can follow to end suffering. However, these are not steps but rather eight guiding principles that suggest the way to end suffering and ultimately achieve enlightenment.

The Noble Eightfold Path is also known as the Threefold Way as it contains the three basic aspects of Buddhist life, which are ethics, meditation and wisdom. Each part of the Noble Eightfold Path falls within one of the elements of the Threefold Way:

The Threefold WayThe Noble Eightfold Path
1. Ethics1. Right action (behaving in a skilful way and not harming others)

2. Right speech (speaking truthfully)

3. Right livelihood (earning a living in a way that doesn’t cause suffering or harm to others)
2. Meditation4. Right mindfulness (being aware of yourself and the emotions of others)

5. Right effort (putting effort into meditation and positive emotions)

6. Right concentration (developing focus so that you are able to meditate)
3. Wisdom7. Right view/understanding (remembering that actions have consequences)

8. Right intention (being clear about following the Buddhist path)

These eight actions are important as a person’s actions in life will determine what they are reborn as in their next life. Kammais gained through good actions (following the Noble Eightfold Path) and results in positive consequences. Bad actions (not following the Noble Eightfold Path) result in negative consequences.

The Buddhist symbol of the eight-spoked wheel represents the elements of the Noble Eightfold Path

Following the Threefold Way

Buddhists should begin with how they behave (ethics) as by clearing themselves of bad thoughts they will be in a better position to meditate. Buddhists can clear themselves of bad thoughts through following the ideas in the Five Precepts and understanding that actions have consequences.

Meditation becomes easier the more it is done. It helps Buddhists to rid their mind of negativity.

Meditation leads Buddhists to gain wisdom, as by acting in a morally and ethical way, Buddhists can grow their wisdom.

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The Buddhist symbol of the eight-spoked wheel represents the elements of the Noble Eightfold Path

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