Sampeah News : Fistival


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Showing posts with label Fistival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fistival. Show all posts


Difficult Years My father grew up during a difficult time in U.S. history called the Depression. It occurred after the crash of the stock market in 1929, when my father was ten years old. Many people lost their businesses and their money, and my father's family was no different. The restaurant they owned closed because no one could afford to eat out. They had very little money, and my father often had little or nothing to eat during the day. Some millionaires killed themselves because they lost all their money. He had one pair of shoes, which he gotten from his father. He wore the shoes for many years put cardboard or newspaper in the soles when they got holes in them. During this of economic hardship, like many people, my father and parents lost their home, too. They had live in a two-room apartment with his aunt and uncle and their three kids. All in all, the Depression years were hard for most people, including my father. -23


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out if a fact is true or tales, opinions can not be examined in this way. If we want to sell as many good possible, therefore, our advertisement must persuade consumers that opinion in fact. If we are successful, they will then believe that our advertisement is not only reasonable, but true. Hopefully, they will then want to buy our goods. The Pouching Ceremony Cambodia is a country that has a lot of ceremonies. Three types of ceremony are held. Religious, national and royal. The Pouching Ceremony is one of the royal ceremonies. 1 his major festival is held once a year at the beginning of the wet season during May, in the middle of the Khmer of Pisak. At this important time, the King expresses his ideas about the envelopment of the country. The festival is celebrated over four days, but the final day is the most important. The royal cattle that are used in the ceremony are chosen very carefully. Their color must he black or white and before the ceremony they are decorated in a traditional way so they look very beautiful. The person who does the sloughing is also very important. In previous times, the King did the task himself, but nowadays he is replaced by a member of the Royal Family or the Royal Palace. This person, who is appointed by the King, is called the "Sdech Meak". -22


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run a stop sign, exceed the speed limit, or swerve his can. As a result, he may hit either another car or a person. Lt is very likely that he will crash his car, and often he will kill or injure himself and others. Therefore, the government has established stricter laws against drunk drivers. Advertisement Business in Cambodia is very competitive nowadays, it a business wants to succeeds, and therefore, it must be advertised through the media, in newspapers or on the radio or television. Advertisement can be used to advertise businesses, products, jobs and courses, as well as provide information about subjects like health and the environment. If we want to sell our good, the first purpose of our advertisement must be to tell consumers about them. People will only want products it they know about them. Once people are interested, however, they may want to know more information. If they do, then our advertisement must try to satisfy this need and provide it. But how should we select the information? If the first purpose of our advertisement is to provide information about our goods, the second purpose must be to sell them and make a good profit. These two purposes, however, are related because we can use the information about our goods to persuade customers to buy them and so create a demand. The information, then should be selected for this purpose. If we select information in order to sell as many products as possible, we will only select those aspects that are attractive. Some of them may be fact, but, naturally, others will be opinion. Although people can find -21


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-Related to point B is the fact that exposure to a foreign market will likely involve government regulation. One of there can be the availability of trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas or other hidden barriers. -Will have to work with an agent which is not necessary loyal to one bran (product). This limited control over the marketing activities or other values beef activities will toke expose the full potential of a certain market. The Royal Palace The Royal Palace was one of my favorite buildings. Originally, when king Nor Odom first came to Phnom Penh from his previous capital Udong, he lived in a small, building made of wood and bamboo. Even though it might have romantic, by French standards it was hardly a palace for a great lord. That is why, in 1865, they started to build the palace that we can see today. Its style is traditional Khmer, but the architect used modem materials and contemporary methods to build it. In this way, it brought together the old and the new. Automobile Accidents The majority or automobile accidents result from alcohol. A person who has drunk too much beer gets into a strange state called drunkenness. This state is marked either by an unpleasant feeling of loss of balance, or by falling asleep. Either of these problems is dangerous for drivers. On the other hand, a drunk driver is to dizzy to pay attention to traffic signs, and his lack of control may lead him to -20


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minimization - Minimize per unit overheads Balance for seasonal demands - Potential for company development -Sell surplus production capacity - Expend new knowledge and experience - Develop life cycle of item. Disadvantage of Import and Export In each country, the ways to do business are differences, but the main point they need to import and export their product to be interrelationship. The import and export product can make business grow up or go down because they have either advantage or disadvantage. Here are the disadvantages below: + Disadvantage of import and export: -Import: The main disadvantage is that import compete with local industries, thus often resulting in a decrease in profits for the local businesses. In severs cases, such as cheap textile imports the local industries and result in large scale job losses and company closures as the local businesses can no longer make a profit. -Export: - In relation to location economics, a firm may not always be located in the best region for that specific area and is therefore restricted to the cost disadvantage of the current location. The firm is further depended on the fluctuation of transportation costs. High transportation cost can make in uneconomical to get involved in the export of certain good. -19


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bank. Then they had no money to refund because they didn't take this money to run business or did the thing that make them get income, therefore bank took their house and field. As a result, they have no house to live and no field to do farm. According to my description, we car conclude that bank loan can provide a lot of advantages and disadvantages. But if we know how to use the loan for the useful thing, it may gives us a lot of advantages more than gives disadvantages. Advantages of Import and Export In each country, the ways to do business are differences, but the main point they need to import and export their product to be interrelationship. The import and export product can make bus grow up or go down because they have either advantage or disadvantage. Here are the advantages below: Advantage of import and export: - Import: - Enhance your domestic competitiveness - Increase sales and profit in all the way - Gain your global market share - Reduce dependence on existing markets - Exploit international trade technology - Extend sales potential of existing product - Stabilize seasonal market fluctuation - Enhance potential for expand of your business - Sell excess production capacity - Maintain cost competitiveness in your domestic market. -Export: Improved profit and sales Develop domestic competitiveness - increase worldwide market shares Diversification and risk -18


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At the rate our country is developing because we're living in an age of great changes. For the economic field is also presently involved in an accelerated development program, too. We know that there are a lot of banks in our country and all the banks always give loans to people. However, bank loan only provides advantages but also provides disadvantages. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of bank loan? If we talk about its advantages, there are a lot of points of advantages, Firstly; I'd like to rise about the speed talk. People sometime focus on time security very much. So if borrowers need to borrow the money, the bank can be secured quickly in less than an hour. Next, we consider about uses. The borrowers can use bank a number of reasons such as taking money to run businesses, invest in stocks, buy home buy vehicles or buy something that want or need. Moreover, a bank loan is a financial package which helps us tide over difficult time. The last advantage of bank loan, involves specification of using money. In case of a personal loan, one needn't to specify use of money. All a borrower should do is to repay the money in equated in equated monthly on or before the stipulated date. In contrast, the bank also gives many disadvantages to people, too. The fist disadvantage is related to fees. Some loans carry a prepayment penalty to prevent the borrower from paying the note off early without incurring extra cost, so it is the problem that the borrowers should care about. Secondly, the problem is about the refunding. People sometimes borrow too much money. After that have no money to refund, therefore the banks will take there house, fields and other valuables. For instance, as one family in my village, they had had borrowed in a large amount of money from the -17


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Sometimes it can disturb us on our works and studies. Moreover, people spend lots and lots of money buying the latest model, but it is easily broken and lost, Mobile phone makes it invade privacy. And the most serious problem of mobile phone is that it affects our body because of radiation it produces. To sum up, I hope you can weigh the advantages and the disadvantages I have mentioned to help you use your mobile phone in a responsible manner. We humans created mobile phones and it is all up to our control whether to use more carefully and properly or not. The Traffic in Phnom Penh The toads in Phnom are sometimes very busy with lots of traffic. Many people driver on them everyday. There are lots of cycles, cars and trucks full of passengers. People can also come to Phnom Penh by train, but trains aren't always safe. Buses are safer than trains. Cycles are much slower then buses and they are more expensive. But people don't use buses in Phnom Penh. Some of the roads in Phnom Penh are good, but some are getting old now. People don't like to drive on the oldest roads. They want lo repair them. People also want more traffic lights. With traffic lights, the roads are much safer. Now most streets have been repaired. គុណសម្បត្តិ និងគុណវិបត្តិនៃប្រាក់កំចីពីធនាគារ ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF BANK LOAN -16


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Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone It is for fact that having a mobile phone now a days is a sort of a necessity it is an inevitable truth mobile industry is taking everyone by a storm, From the very basic thing of making a call to texting, now internet access for just a touch of your finger tips. Do you have one of these? Or do you know somebody who enjoys having such stuff? I do have one of those too and I won't deny the fact that I enjoy using them. So as one of the million subscriber of this technology I will share you some of the advantages and disadvantages I found out of having a mobile phone as the following. Mobile phones keep you in constant contact with people you consider important. It can help you seek help immediately during emergency cases. If u accesses it's a sense of being financially uplifted. Moreover, through mobile phones you lessen your boredom, listen to your favorite and as well as watching movies through downloading whenever you have access on the internet. And it can take photos, carry anywhere and it has a lot of useful like calendar, making notes, alarm clock, timer and calculator. No doubt, out mobile phones make our life more convenient, but as the saying goes every technology has its equal negative side and mobile phones are not so special to be exempted. Here are some disadvantages of having it: Mobile phones are expensive. People spend less time bonding with there family and friends and they just contact through phone and became too lazy meeting outside -15


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Traffic accident is the most concerning problem we are facing today the figure of accident had become increasing and most of people are injured and died from day. To solve this problem, government of Cambodia especially the capital of Phnom has been introduced all Khmer people to wear helmet. In my opinion, wearing helmet provides us some benefits for reasons. First of wearing helmet helps to reduce traffic accident People will pay enough attention while they are driving their If they wear helmet. Moreover, it helps us in protecting our eyes the dust or terrible lights from others vehicles because we don't need to use our hand or fingers to clean it while we are controlling our vehicles. Next, wearing helmet helps you to oblige your duty as a real citizen. Wearing helmet is the law; someone who broke it would be the police. People who wears helmet will become the responsible person because they obey traffic law and traffic lights. Lt is the waste of time and money if police fine you. So, being a person you must have a sense of responsibility. Finally, wearing helmet helps you to protect your life. While you are controlling your vehicle on the roads you would a lot problems especially accident. By wearing helmet your head from danger. Head is the most important part for everyone. If our heads problem we can't do anything, or some times to be abnormal or crazy or even dead. All in all, wearing helmet is very useful for us especially our lives protected. We can't buy our lives but we can prevent it by wearing helmet as Khmer proverb says "Prevention is better than cure." Together wear helmet, I believe that country will be in safety, peace development -14


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understand what he is trying to give out otherwise things might get messy and people will mistook them as someone else. It is quite obvious that a trade off is happening between the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook While it increases the communication and connection between friends and the online community it also increases the risk of procrastination and makes it easier to stalk a user, worse, some are actually punished for what they put on their profile and would claim that it was there only for fun. Despite the above mentioned advantages and disadvantages of an online networking service, it still is gaining demand and popularity among the young crowd. This is regardless of the age, race and country. Some are now trying to criticize the status of professionalism of this site whether just another fad like other online networking services are. The Disadvantages of Domestic Violence Domestic violence is the most concerning problem which government and non-governmental organization had tried their best in solving these problems and in finding the best ways to stop all from of violence in our families and societies. First of all, domestic violence leads to family break down. Undoubtedly, violence never brought good result. Disagreement, divorcement, tragedy, guilty, etc, those are the result of domestic violence. And victims of this violence are women and children. Alcoholic husbands hitting, pushing, shoving, their wives and children like wild animal. Wife couldn't do any business, children dropped out of school, or they
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were neglected. So, when the wife cannot bear whit that violence than they decided to separate or to divorce whit their drunkard husband and the children become fatherless child. Second, violence in family could lead to crimes. Whenever alcoholic husband punish their wives some times it could lead to serious crime both husband and wife and can be children as well. Some men hit their wives till death or some had mental problem. Al The same time wives who could not stand with husbands' punishment. They fought back their husband. Their fathers or t heir mothers died and one of them must be responsible for this action, so they would be penalized by law, they have to put in jail. What for children? More seriously, some children who seeing their mother were hit and abused; they dare to kill their fathers for preventing their mothers. These actions brought a big tragedy for the victims, especially children. Finally, domestic violence brings brigs difficulties and insecurity to society. Domestic violence left children and wife with fear. Children dropped out of school and try to work for family since they are so young. They have no chance for study. Some become glue-snuffers, street children, big boss, etc. For the girl, some force to serve beer services or sex services, etc. Those children caused the chaotic and insecurity to the society. Government has to help all those children from very bad situation. So it became a bi burden for family, especially society. The Disadvantages of Wearing Helmet
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As we know, A, HINI can kill people and can spread from people to people in very short time, so we must be careful and keep ourselves clean and healthy. Together get rid of swine flu, we are people living in the world will be in healthy, safety and peaceful. Koh Pich Incident. There were about more than two million people descended on Phnom Penh for the annual festival, whose main attraction is traditional boat races along the Tonle Sap River. Monday night marked the end of the holiday, so a lot of people come to Phnom Penh from the countryside for three-day festival, and many won't be coming back. The crush occurred on the island of Koh Pich following a traditional boat race along the Tonle Sap River on Monday evening. A panic stricken crowd- celebrating the end of the rainy season on an island in a river tried to flee over a bridge and many people were crushed underfoot or fell over its sides into the water. Disoriented victims struggled to find an escape hatch through the human mass, pushing their way in very direction. Many of the victims drowned, suffocated or were trampled as they tried to escape and they started running and were falling over each other. After the stampede, bodies were stacked upon bodies as rescuers swarmed the area. There were a lot of rumors about this incident about what led to stampede. The official said that the cause of this incident was suffocation and electrocution (caused by contact with metal guard rails on either side of the bridge) but still under investigation. -9


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State television official reported that though we have the intervention from all concerning authorities, the incident left 352 people (222 women) dead and 395 wounded because of Cambodia is one of the region's poorer countries, and has an underdeveloped health system, with hospitals barely able to cope with daily medical demands. The incident was one of the country's worst disasters ever. This is the biggest tragedy since the Pol Pot regime. The Royal Government of Cambodia declared that we mourn for November 22 and stated a national day of mourning, and ordered all government ministries to fly the flag at half-mast. To remember the tragic incident at Koh Pich (Pich Bridge) on November 22, 2010 and after receiving approval from the Royal Government, the Capital Hall was given a duty to study the project for construction of a memorial stupa for those victims. An Interesting City (Phnom Penh) Phnom Penh is the capital city in Cambodia. It's the great place for tourist to visit. The weather in Cambodia is wet and humid. However, Tourist can hire a transportation for half or a day to take in the sight. The popular sights are Royal Palace, the National Museum, parks, the Russian market, Central market, and Wat Phnom. In front of the river, there are many pubs, restaurants, and shops. So they can look for a drink or taste delicious traditional foods. On the other want to buy souvenirs, they can go to Russian market or Central market, it's collecting of various items such as silks, and other hand-made product. At night, tourist can enjoy night life by going to the pubs or disco clubs,


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or go to night market which is the new market that just built. It has many selection of silk, art and souvenirs. Facebook Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook Facebook has becoming a popular name among those who are so into it. Individuals who have an account in Facebook are now using more of their time to socialize with other people amidst the distance and lack of time. And even if a community like Facebook serves numerous advantages, it also proves to have certain disadvantages as well. There are now series of improvements in the system just to make up with the shortcomings. Arguments regarding the different advantages and disadvantages of Facebook are stated as following. sur Facebook allows user search for new and friends, accessible to chosen universities having a high level of security, makes it less awkward when communicating with strangers or people you not familiar with. Moreover, it leads to love attraction and as a dating service system. Makes it easier to join groups having similar likes and it also allows members to check who are taking the same class, living within the same area, or coming from the same academy. At the same Facebook brought some disadvantages behind it such as overcrowding, weakening long distance relationship, unsupported by physical adjacency. Moreover, it contributes wide-range procrastination. Rampant addiction possible for stalking and acquaintances can labeled as friends as well Surely, the disadvantages don't pose a threat to you just by merely looking at it Someone else has to profile is directly in proportion with can happen to them. A user must


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rooms and a main assembly hall capable of seating 211 parliamentarians. His Majesty king Norodom Sihanmonl opens the ceremony for the inauguration of the new National Assembly. Finally, I would love to say again and again that Phnom Penh is the best place I like the most. Swine Flu A, H1N1 People in the world have been facing a lot of problems. Health problems are the most concerning problem amongst those. Recently, some parts of the world have been threatened by swine flu A, H1N1. Influenza A, H1N1 is a respiratory disease which has been discovered in Mexico. As a result, some Mexico people were killed, others are contracting this virus and some affected parts of United States, Europe, and Asia have also shown mild symptoms of swine flu and are being tested. People who contract swine flu can be recognized by some symptoms mimic those of normal flu such as getting runny nose, blocked up, having a temperature, etc. Moreover virus A, HINI can spread from people to people and can cause to death in a very short time through coughing and sneezing without wearing masks or washing your hands after coughed or sneezed. Good hygiene like using a tissue or handkerchief and washing your hands thoroughly can help reduce transmission of this virus. In addition, wearing masks can save our lives and can help us to get rid of this unpleasant disease.


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Phnom Penh Phnom Penh firs grew up during the late fourteenth century at the junction of the Mekong, Tonle Sap and Bassac rivers in the southern part of the country. In 1443, it replaced Angkor Thom as the capital of Cambodia. As well as the center for transport by air, river and road, Phnom Penh is a commercial center, Products of the include clothes, food, drinks and tobacco. In addition, the three rivers generate good soil for farming. At the center of the city, at the junction of Norodom Boulevard and Sihanouk Boulevard, stands the independence monument. It was built as a national symbol when Cambodia gained its freedom in 1953. Lt Represents Cambodia's gained its freedom in 1953. Lt represents Cambodia's cultural achievements in the past as well as the nation's hope for the future. During the 1960 many buildings were built in Phnom Penh including major constructions like the Olympic Stadium at one of Sihanouk Boulevard to the west and Sihanouk City at the other end of Sihanouk Boulevard to the east. During the 1970s, however, Phnom Penh was bandaged by war. Many books have been published that describe how in 1975 almost all of the city's population was forced to leave and go and work in the countryside. During the 1980s, people moved back into the city and some of its social and educational institutions were reopened. Nowadays Phnom Penh is the most modem interesting, beautiful capital city. There are a lot of new buildings. The new National Assembly building in Phnom Penh. Located next to the Naga casino, it was constructed at a cost of $26.7 million. The new building has 300


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ASEAN Asean is an association of countries in southeast. Asia. it is made up of ten countries including Cambodia. They are Thailand. Malaysia, Indonesia. Brunei, the Philippines, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Vietnam, Singapore and Cambodia. In 1967, the Ministers of foreign Affairs from five of these countries held important negotiations in Bangkok, which focused on possible union of countries in the region. After three days of lively discussion, on the 8th of August, they succeeded in reaching an agreement and set up an association of ASEAN, which stands for the Association of Southeast Asia Nations". During the late 1980s, ASEAN played an important part in ending in Cambodia. Eventually, after long negotiations in Hanoi in April 1999, the membership of Cambodia was accepted and it joined as ASEAN's tenth member. ASEAN was originally set up during the Vietnamese War to support democracy in southeast Asia. Lets main purpose is to increase economic development, provide security and help keep in the region. These useful intentions are clearly indicated in the original 1967 joint agreement. In January 1992, ASEAN members agreed to set up a free market area and to cut tax on most import over a 15 yearperiod beginning in 1993.


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Finally, we want the international to support and preserve or conserve to be better. UNESCO will use their fund to conserve the temple and the environment around the Preach the Preah Vihea or they will send their observers to watch what we have done after they introduced our temple into the World Heritage. Preah Vihea Temple Cambodia has a lot of ancient temples in most provinces. Among those, Prasat Preah Vihea is a sacred shrine which is located on the very high and smooth plateau along the Dang Rek Mountain in Preah Vihea province. This shrine first built by the King Yasa Varaman in 9th century. All forms of this temple are the basic of Khmer Arts include planning, building drafts, and other sculptures. On the sculptures we can only see Khmer Script and Sanskrit. These evidences clearly verified that "Preah Vihea" belonging to Cambodia. Under French colony, Preah Vihea temple was controlled by Siem (Thailand). Although our country got independent from French, Siem didn't give it to Khmer. Moreover, Siem had used all kinds of malfeasant tricks and declared that Preah Vihea belonged to them. In 1962, under the premiership of King Norodom Sihanouk, the King had tried all his best in demanding by peaceful talk. Finally the international court at Lahe had judged in unanimity that Preah Vihea belonged to Cambodia on 15th June, 1962. These enthusiastic news had spread across the whole country that made all Khmer people very happy and cheerful to congratulate in


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accepting this temple which was becoming as the Khmer Heritage as before. For this testimony of satisfaction, the chief of state, King Norodom Sihanouk made a formal visiting to Preah Vihea to be the symbol of Khmer Heritage on 5th January, 1963. Advantages of Prasat Preah Vihea Prasat Preah Vihea is a sacred shrine which is located on the high and smooth plateau along the Dang Rek Mountain about 625 meters in Preah Vihea province around this temple is cool, smoggy, temperate, and perfect landscapes. This temple decorated with many styles. Recently, we had introduced Preah Vihea into the World Heritage which prepared by UNESCO on 7th July, 2008. It gives us some important benefits. First, we can preserve our territorial integrity and cultures. We can germinate conscience to all Khmers in all generations to love and glorify our cultures. We also change this area to become the world tourists target both local and the international, so we can reduce poverty by providing many kinds of services to Khmer people. Other important benefit is that we'll get fund from UNESCO for preserve and maintain this world heritage. Second, it'll be acknowledged internationalize and it has its own values for the world. They'll spread to the world what they have seen in Cambodia tourists in our country will be increasing and they'll spread and ask for help from other country especially developed country.


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