Advantages of Prasat Preah Vihea Write By Me long Dy -B
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Advantages of Prasat Preah Vihea Write By Me long Dy


accepting this temple which was becoming as the Khmer Heritage as before. For this testimony of satisfaction, the chief of state, King Norodom Sihanouk made a formal visiting to Preah Vihea to be the symbol of Khmer Heritage on 5th January, 1963. Advantages of Prasat Preah Vihea Prasat Preah Vihea is a sacred shrine which is located on the high and smooth plateau along the Dang Rek Mountain about 625 meters in Preah Vihea province around this temple is cool, smoggy, temperate, and perfect landscapes. This temple decorated with many styles. Recently, we had introduced Preah Vihea into the World Heritage which prepared by UNESCO on 7th July, 2008. It gives us some important benefits. First, we can preserve our territorial integrity and cultures. We can germinate conscience to all Khmers in all generations to love and glorify our cultures. We also change this area to become the world tourists target both local and the international, so we can reduce poverty by providing many kinds of services to Khmer people. Other important benefit is that we'll get fund from UNESCO for preserve and maintain this world heritage. Second, it'll be acknowledged internationalize and it has its own values for the world. They'll spread to the world what they have seen in Cambodia tourists in our country will be increasing and they'll spread and ask for help from other country especially developed country.



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