Sampeah News : Fistival


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Showing posts with label Fistival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fistival. Show all posts


Difficult Years My father grew up during a difficult time in U.S. history called the Depression. It occurred after the crash of the stock market in 1929, when my father was ten years old. Many people lost their businesses and their money, and my father's family was no different. The restaurant they owned closed because no one could afford to eat out. They had very little money, and my father often had little or nothing to eat during the day. Some millionaires killed themselves because they lost all their money. He had one pair of shoes, which he gotten from his father. He wore the shoes for many years put cardboard or newspaper in the soles when they got holes in them. During this of economic hardship, like many people, my father and parents lost their home, too. They had live in a two-room apartment with his aunt and uncle and their three kids. All in all, the Depression years were hard for most people, including my father. -23


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out if a fact is true or tales, opinions can not be examined in this way. If we want to sell as many good possible, therefore, our advertisement must persuade consumers that opinion in fact. If we are successful, they will then believe that our advertisement is not only reasonable, but true. Hopefully, they will then want to buy our goods. The Pouching Ceremony Cambodia is a country that has a lot of ceremonies. Three types of ceremony are held. Religious, national and royal. The Pouching Ceremony is one of the royal ceremonies. 1 his major festival is held once a year at the beginning of the wet season during May, in the middle of the Khmer of Pisak. At this important time, the King expresses his ideas about the envelopment of the country. The festival is celebrated over four days, but the final day is the most important. The royal cattle that are used in the ceremony are chosen very carefully. Their color must he black or white and before the ceremony they are decorated in a traditional way so they look very beautiful. The person who does the sloughing is also very important. In previous times, the King did the task himself, but nowadays he is replaced by a member of the Royal Family or the Royal Palace. This person, who is appointed by the King, is called the "Sdech Meak". -22


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run a stop sign, exceed the speed limit, or swerve his can. As a result, he may hit either another car or a person. Lt is very likely that he will crash his car, and often he will kill or injure himself and others. Therefore, the government has established stricter laws against drunk drivers. Advertisement Business in Cambodia is very competitive nowadays, it a business wants to succeeds, and therefore, it must be advertised through the media, in newspapers or on the radio or television. Advertisement can be used to advertise businesses, products, jobs and courses, as well as provide information about subjects like health and the environment. If we want to sell our good, the first purpose of our advertisement must be to tell consumers about them. People will only want products it they know about them. Once people are interested, however, they may want to know more information. If they do, then our advertisement must try to satisfy this need and provide it. But how should we select the information? If the first purpose of our advertisement is to provide information about our goods, the second purpose must be to sell them and make a good profit. These two purposes, however, are related because we can use the information about our goods to persuade customers to buy them and so create a demand. The information, then should be selected for this purpose. If we select information in order to sell as many products as possible, we will only select those aspects that are attractive. Some of them may be fact, but, naturally, others will be opinion. Although people can find -21


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-Related to point B is the fact that exposure to a foreign market will likely involve government regulation. One of there can be the availability of trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas or other hidden barriers. -Will have to work with an agent which is not necessary loyal to one bran (product). This limited control over the marketing activities or other values beef activities will toke expose the full potential of a certain market. The Royal Palace The Royal Palace was one of my favorite buildings. Originally, when king Nor Odom first came to Phnom Penh from his previous capital Udong, he lived in a small, building made of wood and bamboo. Even though it might have romantic, by French standards it was hardly a palace for a great lord. That is why, in 1865, they started to build the palace that we can see today. Its style is traditional Khmer, but the architect used modem materials and contemporary methods to build it. In this way, it brought together the old and the new. Automobile Accidents The majority or automobile accidents result from alcohol. A person who has drunk too much beer gets into a strange state called drunkenness. This state is marked either by an unpleasant feeling of loss of balance, or by falling asleep. Either of these problems is dangerous for drivers. On the other hand, a drunk driver is to dizzy to pay attention to traffic signs, and his lack of control may lead him to -20


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