How to Roasted Scallops or Salt and Pepper -B
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How to Roasted Scallops or Salt and Pepper


Hello all my beloved visitors, I am Cooking would love to show you about my technique cooking in my Country, Cambodia. if all of you want to see more new technique cooking food please Share on my Website, comment, LIKE and you can request me to cook some food that like in the comment below.

Welcome Khmer Housewife This is a Khmer fanatic in this Website, I want to show you a delicious Khmer dishes! Get away from foreign cuisine and know how to combine ingredients, how to mix things and how to do it. 

Snails are delicious, but they contain many germs that doctors forbid to eat, but because Cambodia is a poor country, it is difficult to ban People are not allowed to eat or cook for themselves.

Nowadays in Cambodia, snails are boiled and sold in carts on the streets, and Chinese-style barbecue shops take snails. Fried with Chinese ingredients has a delicious aroma. And for the grilled seafood shop, there are also some that sell perfumes wrapped in aluminum foil.

+ Ingredients:

1- 5 cans of screws

2- Half bitten peppers (as you like)

3- 2 small packets of soup powder (or 1 and a half spoons of salt)

4- 5 stems of lemon leaves

5- 10 funny orange leaves

6-Garlic 1 tuber

7- 1 piece of rumdeng (large enough)

8- 3 tablespoons palm sugar

+ How to do:

- Lemongrass leaves as side slices

Beat salt with pepper and add garlic.

- Then add brown sugar.

Take the crushed ingredients and mix with lemon and orange leaves a little.

Then pour the screws into the mixture and mix together all the ingredients.

Leave on for about 15 minutes.

Screw the aluminum foil (barbecue paper).

Pack tightly and put the grill on the fire (start the fire)

Wait for it to boil for about 7 to 10 minutes (if you want to know for sure, open the ironing paper and see if it boils at that time Come out and spit)


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