Inscription composed by indra varman (last heir to the Mahidarapura dynasty) -B
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Inscription composed by indra varman (last heir to the Mahidarapura dynasty)


Inscription composed by indra varman (last heir to the Mahidarapura dynasty)
The one whose conduct, beauty and value all praise and who, born into the family of this King, reigned in a way favorable to all men, King Harshavarman, who destroyed the joy of enemies, spread above the cardinal points the canopy of his glory.
This master of the Earth (Maha raja) had from the great Queen, a Daughter, Sri Jayara jacudamani (mother of King Jayavarman VII), that this Moon that is his glory illuminated with sparkling rays, just as the Guru of Gauri (the Himalayas) had a Devi."
Finding its satisfaction in this nectar that is the religion of this Moon the Çakya. Putting the best of his power at the disposal of the Bhiksu (Monk), Brahmins and all his subjects who implanted him, wishing to extract the marrow from this body without marrow, impure stay, he constantly honored the feet of the Jina "
"Just as the Brahmarsi the goddess Aditi had as his son the king of the gods Indra, of this King (Dharanindravarman) and the daughter of Sri Harshavarman (Sri Jayara jacudamani the mother of King Jayavarman VII), had a son in Sparkling power, King Sri Jayavarman VII who Based on the Law, killed in a fight the enemy leader with a hundred million arrows or with the bow of Indra Çatakoti, to protect the earth.
"In the joy of a deep mystery, by means of the bodies of Hara (Visnu), Çàrngi, Anaňga, made this king the only receptacle of the power of Çiva, the heroism of Visnu and the beauty of Kâma.""I believe that this king in whom all the qualities are gathered, this offspring of the lunar race, which is the jewel of the head of kings, replaces me in battle", it is in this thought that with extreme joy the Laksmï of the fighting embracedhim closely.


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