Why do Thailand and Laos always think they are Tai-Kra and of Chinese -B
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Why do Thailand and Laos always think they are Tai-Kra and of Chinese

 Why do Thailand and Laos always think they are Tai-Kra and of Chinese origin but they look darker than the Vietnamese, an ethnic group of AutosAsiatic origin like the Khmer?

Thais and Laos always think they are Tai-Kradai group and not of Chinese origin.

Other Tai groups, like Northern Tai and Central Tai, may adopt Chinese Language.

However, for Southwestern Tai groups, like Thais and Laos, have  influenced  alphabets,  writing system from Khmer-mon group who original lives here. 

No matter how many Chinese Quorans tell you how China has 7000 years history, their Chinese influence only affect around Huang he and Yangtze rivers. Even their proud Chinese cultures get influenced by Indian Culture(Han Buddhism for example)

Why do Thais and Laos look darker than Vietnamese and Khmer?

Because Thais and Laos don’t originally live in Southeast Asia. They originally lived around today’s Yunnan Prefecture in China. The people who originally live in southeastern Asia are Mon, Khmer, and Javanese, and they all have darker skin. Therefore, it’s normal to find some Thais and Laos who have dark skin, because they are mixed blood from interracial marriages.

It’s easily to differentiate between pure blood Thais and Laos. Just look at their nose bridges. If their nose bridges are flat, they are pure Thais and Laos.

Map represent.


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